Wednesday, February 22, 2012

wedding wednesday: flowers

Flowers are an essential part of any wedding, so I find it essential that I do a post on how they can be used in your home.  The possibilities are literally endless, for everything that is home related practically has some sort of flower pattern associated with it.  From sheets to lamps to tablecloths, you don't have to look far to find a home for this feminine pattern.

Because floral patterns are so common in home furnishings, I tried to find some inspiration for you all that wasn't so common.  Enter flower wall art.  Now I'm not talking about your typical pretty-flower-painted-on-a-canvas wall art..these ideas tend to break away from what you may normally expect to find in your standard suburban home, and many of these ideas are very simple DIY's.

3D Wall Art
First up are these fun plastic flower decals are super easy to install and can be rearranged in any way you like.

For those of you who are Gossip Girl fans, you've seen something of the sorts before in Serena's bedroom...except they used butterflies instead of flowers.  But don't you just love the configuration (and the room)?

The plastic decals can be bought through my store on Amazon, or you can make them out of paper and have it be a DIY as seen below.

Another option is a total DIY that you can make for no cost whatsoever.  This super cool wall art is made from old toilet paper tubes or paper towel tubes that have been cut down and hot glued together.

This is as close to an actual painting as we will get...but at least it incorporates some 3D elements to make it stand out.

Image credit: {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}

Hanging Vases
Similar to the idea of the hanging picture frames that we talked about last week is the idea of hanging vases.  This is definitely a new approach to display flowers in a vase, and personally, I'm all for it.   

Image credit: {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}

Here is even a step-by-step guide to make your own hanging vase display.

Image credit: {1}

Hope you all have a lovely rest of the week!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is neat on the wall and I love the one on canvas flowers make it pop
