Monday, February 20, 2012

home office inspiration

This past weekend has been absolutely crammed full with design...and I absolutely love it.  Last week, I was contacted by a wonderful reader asking about a paint color in one of the images I had posted, because she was looking for the perfect shade of paint for her gorgeous mountain home.  As we got to talking, she started telling me all of the ideas she had for her place, which of course got my brain running a million miles an hour.  I had all of these ideas bouncing around in my head, so when she asked if I had any suggestions for her place, I jumped at the chance two put my two cents in (I get over-the-moon excited whenever I get to share my design ideas with someone).  So that was design number 1.

Design number two came in the form of school work.  We have a studio review tomorrow, so a large portion of my weekend was spent drawing and finalizing my design for a sea-side Italian villa (which I am in looooove with).  Although, for whatever reason, when you're designing for school, it just isn't quite as much fun as when you get to do it for your own space or someone else's space.

Last design project for the weekend: our home office.  A few weeks ago, I came up with a design scheme for our home office.  Aside from perusing pinterest, my favorite form of procrastination is designing our home.  So, naturally, I spent a good deal of time tweaking and adjusting the design.  I thought I'd share what I have with you so far.

Now we all know how much I would absolutely LOVE to paint the room a light blue.  Buuuut, in all reality, I am coming to terms with the fact that it probably won't happen.  Because we don't plan on staying in this house all that long, we need to paint it neutral colors (because I surely don't want to spend the time and money repainting before we sell).  So, it will probably end up looking more like one of the two options below. 

I love gray, but we just painted our master bedroom gray, so maybe we'll go for more of a tannish/brown color.  PS - anyone notice the picture ledges that we talked about last week?

I had originally played around with the idea of putting two chairs in the room as opposed to a daybed (see image below), but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how impractical it was.  In reality, those chairs would probably never get sat in.  Although we do have a guest room, you never know when an extra bed will come in handy, so I think a daybed is a much better option for us.

So, what exactly is it going to take for us to get from this...

to this?

Well, I made a little inspiration board for you to take a peek at and find out!  Enjoy!

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