Monday, February 27, 2012

the modern fireplace

Throughout history, fireplaces have always played an important role in our homes.  In the early days, the fireplace was located at the center of the home, and all activities revolved around it.  This was because the fireplace acted as the sole heat source for the household, so in order to stay warm, people congregated around the hearth.  With the modern conveniences of today, we no longer rely on fireplaces as a solitary source of heat.  However, just because their function has changed from necessity to (practically) purely aesthetic, that doesn't mean fireplaces aren't important.

In many instances, fireplaces still play a prominent role in our homes.  Despite not being a necessity, they are a luxury many people want.  Fireplaces anchor your living room.  They act as a focal point and draw people towards them.  Most of the time, a home with a fireplace is more desirable for a buyer than one without.  The extra heat they kick out is nice on a chilly winter night, and there is something magical about sitting on the couch and watching the flames flicker.  

This week, we'll be doing another weeklong series on fireplaces.  The style of your fireplace should always tie in to the style of your home, so each day this week we'll talk about a different style or type of fireplace.  To kick things off, we'll start today by looking at some out of the ordinary, modern fireplaces.

The first two fireplaces we have here are absolutely stunning pieces of art.  Although just surrounded by drywall in the bottom image, the intersecting geometries makes the fireplace stand out and give the room character.  The top image is much more simple and straightforward, but the rich colors make the fireplace pop.

Image credit: {1} {2}

There is something fantastic about a floating fireplace.  Perhaps it's the whimsical quality it creates, or even the fact that the fireplace is completely open to all sides.  All I know is the effect is absolutely striking. 

Image credit: {1} {2} {3} {4}

Just like with floating fireplaces, there is something I just adore about long, linear fireplaces that I can't quite put my finger on.  The long lines that are created are just so clean, sharp, and unique, I just can't help but fall in love with them.

Image credit: {1} {2} {3

Aren't these fireplaces just stunning?  Check back tomorrow for more fabulous ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Loved your blog! I'm a chef and I'm trying to integrate a gourmet kitchen, a family room and a fireplace altogether, since in my family and friends don't care about a formal living room or dinning room...they want to stay with me, aound the food, watching, learning and eating... Besides, it's a challange here in Brazil to find appliances that would fit a minimalist and/or modern design project.
    Your photos and projects are like a dream coming true to me!
