Monday, March 12, 2012

new store launch!

Oh my goodness has it ever been a whirlwind around here lately!  I've spent pretty much all morning on the phone debating back and forth whether I should postpone my graduation until the spring for the sake of my sanity this summer (which I think I've decided I'm going to do)...and I'm just completely frazzled right now.  So, I apologize for this lackluster blog post.

However, there is something exciting I did want to share with you all - the launch of my new store and amazon store!  Currently, I'm in the process of redoing my website (and as a little preview I'll now be offering full design services as well as online design services - so exciting!).  Well, I incorporated a store section into the site, where you can buy some of the artsy fartsy things I make.  Example: these wedding hangers or else the lyric artwork I blogged about before.  So, head on over and take a look!

Also, another exciting thing is my new amazon store (which you should see a link to over in the right hand column).  What amazon does is it lets people make their own store, and whenever people buy things through it, you get a small percent of the sales.  Sooo...I've begun my own amazon store, and in it I've included some of my favorite things.  

The main thing I will be using the store for though is whenever I feature something on the blog.  For instance, whenever I have a tutorial or a DIY, I'll post all of the supplies in the store, so you will always know where to find them.  Or, if there's a particular product I talk about, I'll link it into the store as well.  

So, head on over and take a look!  I'll see you back on Wednesday (with a much more exciting post - I promise!).


  1. Love the idea of the amazon store - I live in Australia and had seen your blog on the fridge you did a make over on. I work in a hardware store and do think any of our suppliers have the magnet paint NO NO NO - like I am speaking another language when I ask them about it. So a least I know it is in the USA but I am unsure where it would be able to be posted.

    1. Tania- I'm so glad the store can help you! And how crazy that no supplier over there sell magnetic paint! It's a bummer that Amazon's shipping is a little slower to Australia (well, for the standard rate at least), but at least you now know where you can get it!
