Wednesday, September 11, 2013

that one time we sold our house...

As some of you may know, we officially moved out of our house.  We closed on Thursday, August 29th, and the week leading up to it was an absolute whirlwind.  Despite starting to pack several weeks in advance, that last week was chaos.  We packed and cleaned and packed and cleaned some more, and finished like an hour before the final walk-through.  By the end, we were both too exhausted to be either excited or sad about leaving.  Roxy, on the other hand, was a different story (warning - if you don't like dogs, or posts about dogs, you've been warned).

The night before we moved, we moved our mattress out.  She did NOT like that.  Her absolute favorite hiding spot was underneath our bed, so when we moved the mattress, she crawled under the bed, looked up at us through the wood slats, and was not pleased that we could see her.  

She also loves being on our bed - sometimes I would be downstairs, would notice it was a little too quiet, so I'd go look for Roxy.  More often than not, she'd be snuggled in our bed napping.  Well, after the mattress was out, I was trying to clean up the rest of our room, so I threw the blankets on the bed frame until I was ready to pack them.  I went downstairs, came back up, and this was happening:

"Puh-puh-puh-please ma...not my blankets too."

She refused to move from the blankets to let me pack them, and when I finally got her off and started folding the blankets, she'd lie on every folded pile, trying to prevent me from putting them in the vacuum bag. 

"Maybe if I lay on it, you won't be able to pack it."

By the end, she gave up and let us pack, but made sure we didn't forget her stuff (this is my absolute favorite picture, I died laughing when I saw it).

 "Fiiine, if you must pack everything, don't forget my favorite bone!"

The next morning was another story.  We had moved just about everything out the night before, so we spent the entire morning cleaning.  All of our furniture was still there (since we sold our unit furnished), but this is where Roxy spent the entire morning, and refused to come out.  Normally, she likes her kennel, but not usually that much.  In reality, it was a blessing she stayed in there, because then she wasn't walking through our freshly mopped floors, or trying to eat the dust pile we'd sweep up like she normally does.  It just made me so sad to see her so mopey.

As I said earlier, we finished all of our cleaning about an hour before the final walk through.  We snapped one last picture of the three of us, and I just can't get over how perfectly it captured all of our emotions from that morning.  Me + Noel: tired, delirious, exhausted, and so excited to be done and moving out.  Roxy: depressed.

The next two hours before closing felt like two of the most nerve wracking hours of our life.   We were so anxious they'd see something they didn't like during the final walk-through (in reality, nothing at all had changed since they last saw the property, but after having four other offers fall through, you tend to get nervous).  I actually met their realtor at our house right before the walk-through, and just as I was walking down the stairs to the garage, the buyer came in and I heard her excitedly shriek "aaah! I can't believe this is going to be my house in two hours!" so that helped a bit with the nerves, but we were still all wound up.  We dropped Roxy off at puppy daycare to play with other dogs while we closed (which made her perk up right away and washed away any sign of the depressed doggy), and then, we waited. 

When it came time to actually close, the process was (dare I say), actually a lot of fun.  Everyone was super upbeat, and the buyer was still just as excited about the home.  We signed our name about 382 times, ate some of the world's most delicious cookies (no joke), handed over the keys, and were on our merry way.  We were homeless, but we were happy.

As for now, we're still homeless, even though we were supposed to close on our new house September 6th.  So if you pop back in on Friday, you'll get to hear about all the fun we've been having in the mean time. 

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