Wednesday, March 13, 2013

back where i come from

Yesterday I showed you all my little weekend closet project.  Unfortunately, the fabric I wanted has to be ordered in, so it will be a few days until it arrives, which means you can expect to see the finished closet sometime next week.  But don't be too sad, because today I have something seriously awesome.  And by awesome, I also mean embarrassing.

As I was going through some of my old files on Noel's computer, I came across pictures I took of my bedroom when I was in high school.  My dad built a new house my sophomore/junior year, and I got to "design" my own room.

Now I'm going to attempt to defend myself by saying I was 16 so cut me some slack...but I don't know if even that can justify the number of Eiffel Towers that were in that room.  Let's take a peek at my first ever design project (I'm cringing right now).

Eiffel Tower Painting: check.  

Eiffel Tower lamp: check.

Eiffel Tower sticker on the mirror: check.

Eiffel Tower calendar: check.

Eiffel Tower rug: check.

Eiffel Tower trash cans, Eiffel Tower drawings: check.

Eiffel Tower pictures cut out from the previous years' Eiffel Tower calendar: check.

I'm sure there's something Eiffel Tower in this picture I've yet to mention.

 Eiffel Tower print: check. Oh, and don't worry, that glowing thing in the right hand part of the picture was one of those spinning crystal glass things, which just happened to be a, yes, you guessed it, Eiffel Tower. 

Pretty epic, right?  Did you ever think that many Eiffel Towers could possibly be crammed into one room?  I think this just might be why I hate decorations that are theme-y, cheesy, and cliche.  I had my fill (and then some), and now I'm done forever.  

I will say, I am pretty proud of myself for not having a hot pink room (although to this day I don't know why I picked red - I really don't like red), and aside from all the Eiffel Towers, the room isn't that bad.  I still have that quilt and black and white painting, and even still like them.

So now that I have completely humiliated myself, do you guys have any deep dark design secrets?  How did you decorate your room when you were a teen?  Are any of your rooms still in tact at your parents' house?  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG K I AM DYING RIGHT NOW. I love this. I now know what I am getting you before I leave. (Hint: you already have a lot of them) And don't worry, I still have some hot pink bedding at my Dad's house. Whatevawhateva tropical theme!

    1. Hahahah I kept thinking about you when I was writing it..."Lauren is going to die when she reads this."

  3. Haha I can totally relate! We moved so often that I got to change my wall colors almost every year--I've definitely had an all red room before. No pink though, thankfully!
