Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscar Inspired Bedroom Design

Now I'm not a big movie buff (truth be told, I don't think I saw any of the movies that won awards last night), but that doesn't mean I don't love me a good awards show.  Unless it's the Grammy's (or any other music-related award show), the only reason I'm watching is for the red carpet.  And last night's red carpet did not disappoint.

Hands down, the absolute best dressed in my book was Zoe Saldana.  The Alexis Mabille ombre dress she sported was both structured and whimsical, plus it was black and white, which are basically two of my favorite colors.

Now I don't know about you, but unfortunately, I don't have quite enough spare change to afford that dress, nor do I have an occasion to wear it.  Last night when I told Noel he needed to do something cool so we could go to an award show, he told me he'd rather get a patent than an Oscar...what a nerd :) .  Regardless, just because we may not be able to have that fabulous dress, it doesn't mean we can't steal her style...and what better place to show it off than in our homes?

To get this fabulous look in your own home, you want to pair simple, structured pieces with soft, flowing, feminine fabrics.  Think clean, crisp, black furniture, soft white bedding and flowing drapes.

And now is the time where I turn it over to you guys: what were your favorite looks on the red carpet last night?  Are any of them influencing your home decor?

1 comment:

  1. Love that you created a bedroom board based on her dress. She was stunning and so are your design ideas!
