Monday, March 26, 2012

pantry design

In our kitchen, we have this big gaping hole to the right of our cabinets.

You'll have to excuse the mess that has exploded on our countertop in that picture.  However, you can see from the photo that the space is such a waste.  It's too small to put a table or anything of the sorts, so I figured we have one of two options for this space.  

Option #1: put a desk in the area

I love these built in desks that people often put in their kitchens, and the space would be just about the perfect size for one.  However, if we decided to go that route, we'd need to find matching cabinets and countertops, because it would drive me crazy to just put a random desk in the corner.  If we're going to do it, we're going to do it right.   And finding everything that matched would be no easy task.

Not to mention, although I love the built in desk, I highly doubt that we would ever actually use the space.  More than likely, it would just end up collecting junk (like you see in the oh-so-beautiful picture above).  So, I decided to scrap that idea.

Option #2: build a walk-in pantry    

We decided to put a small, walk-in pantry in the space instead, because we feel like it will be a much better use of the space.  It allows us to add a ton more storage, and even though it's just a small addition, it will help to increase the home's value.

I absolutely love the image below, which is pretty much what we're going for once we add the pantry.

When it comes to pantry design, it's more than just the outside that matters; where it really comes to life is inside.  Check out some of these beautiful storage solutions I have stumbled upon. 

Image source: {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}

I know the last image isn't your traditional pantry, but how fun is it?

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I wish I had space for a walk in pantry. It makes me so nostalgic for my grandma's fruit cellar. We only have pantry cabinets.. which aren't nearly as flexible.

    DO IT!!!
