Thursday, March 1, 2012

fireplace mantels

Just like there are many types of fireplace surrounds, there are also several types of fireplace mantels.  Some have a more modern twist, while others tend to be rather traditional.  So, no matter the style of your home, there's a mantle for you!

Fun fact: If you look carefully, you should be able to notice some stone surrounds that we talked about on Tuesday paired up with the mantels. 

Traditional Wood Mantels:
When you think of a mantel, this is most likely what comes to mind.  This style can range from clean and simple to highly ornate depending on the level of detail incorporated into the design.  Because they are so easily customized and are available in a wide array of styles, this type can fit in nearly any home.

Isn't the contrast between the brown wall and white mantel in the image below just gorgeous?!

One thing I especially love about this last wood mantel is how it is tied into the surrounding decor.  Instead of sitting alone on a wall, the mantel is built in, and is complemented by other built-ins in the room.

Image credit: {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}

Stone Mantel:
Stone mantels tend to be highly ornate and highly expensive, so they aren't nearly as common as their wood counterparts.  Not only are they expensive, but they are not as easily adaptable to the everyday home - you definitely need to have a specific style to pull of such a luxurious mantel.  Otherwise, you run the risk of the mantel looking completely out of place.  However, if you do have the right type of space, these mantels are absolutely gorgeous.

I have a confession: I'm not positive the image below is a stone mantel.  Despite my searching, I couldn't find out the exact material.  However, I have seen stone mantels that look just like this, so, it goes under this category. :)  This would be easily replicated with other styles too if you so desired.

Image credit: {1} {2} {3}

Floating Mantel:
Floating mantels, sometimes otherwise known as mantel shelves, are a more contemporary approach to your otherwise traditional mantel.  Essentially, they are just ledges that float above your fireplace, and you frequently see them on full-blown stone fireplaces.  After all, it would probably look a little silly to try to incorporate a full traditional mantel with a solid wall of stone.

I also completely love when the floating mantel extends past the fireplace and becomes a shelf.

Image credit: {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}

As I finish up this post, there is snow falling like crazy outside.  Oh, what I wouldn't give to curl up next to one of these beautiful fireplaces with a cup of hot cocoa....

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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