Wednesday, December 14, 2011

wedding wednesday: lace

Between now and our wedding (August 10th!), I will be featuring a "wedding wednesday" post each week.  In it, I'll talk about something that has inspired me for our wedding, and how that material/decoration can be used in your home.  First up this week: lace. 

I absolutely adore this fabric.  It is so soft and romantic, and with it comes the opportunity for so many fantastic DIYs.  Adding lace to something gives it a chic, feminine touch and while adding a beautiful texture.  Below are some of my favorite applications of lace in home furnishings:

1. Use it (or its pattern) on lampshades (this will create some really neat shadows)

2.  Transfer its pattern onto other surfaces (some of these can also fall under the lamp shade category)

 These lamp shades can be made by wrapping the lamp shade with lace, securing it, spray painting over the lace, and then removing the lace (click here for a tutorial).  So beautiful!

It's kind of hard to see, but if you enlarge the image you can see the delicate lace pattern stenciled onto the wall.

3. Use it as artwork

4. Embellish your accessories

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Happy decorating!

1 comment:

  1. I have been doing silver jewlery and so happy to get some new ideas from you. Thank You! Gloria
